Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Give Them Toilets!

I came back to Tarawa just in time for World Toilet Day. I have to admit that this is the first time I have ever even heard of the day. Apparently World Toilet Day has long been observed on the 19th of November but was just made an official United Nations Day this year.  Can you believe that 2.5 billion people on the planet still do not have access to toilets! More people have mobile phones.

Cutest dancers


There were many speeches on this special day in various other places around the world but it looks like the most fun was had in Kiribati where open defecation rates are among the highest.
Best song writers
Local VIPs attended the celebration in Bairiki Square and talented iKiribati performed dances and others wrote songs to commemorate the day. 
Some of those interviewed claimed that it is hard to break through the ‘poo taboo’ and get people to talk openly "about faeces and how faecal matter can affect your health." Honestly, who would want to talk about such a subject? Yuck!
My view is talk less and focus on speeding up the delivery of  toilets and water that is actually safe to wash your hands with.  Then, no doubt people will change their sanitation practices and Kiribati will be a healthier place for everyone.