Sunday, December 8, 2013

Screaming Pigs

Fishing in Kiribati is world class and many International Game Fishing World Records have been made here. The variety and quality of fish certainly beats any other place I’ve ever been to.  Another selling point is that it is free if you are just willing to throw a net into the sea and scoop up your catch or wade out on to the coral reefs during low tide and spear a lobster or a crab.  Even so, the people of Tarawa prefer pigs. Pigs provide a savory change to the local fish-based diet and are eaten at special occasions like weddings and national holidays and cost $500 a piece.
If you are planning to throw a major do and show off your hosting skills, don’t even think about it unless pig is part of the menu.   

Tarawa pigs are relatively small and are black, spotted, white, brown, pink, and combinations of all those colors. They are kept tied to short leases, which are fastened around one of their feet. They are easily spotted alongside the main road tethered in front of houses under papaya and breadfruit trees. Some are kept in small pens no larger than a couple meters squared.  The poor things just can’t move very far so if they get into a fight with another pig and want to get away, they can’t so they scream. Who can blame them. 

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