Monday, February 17, 2014

University of Tuangaona, Abemama (Warning: Slightly X Rated Blog)

On top of what remains of Stevenson's home in Abemama
I decided to go to the outer Gilbert Island called Abemama because this is the island where Robert Louis Stevenson lived for a while. However, when I mentioned where I was going to my Kiribati friends, their faces broke into a wide grin and they said “oh you are going to the University of Tuangaona.” Then, someone told me that Tuangaona means pussy and that the people of Abemama are known for their special skills and techniques in love making and lewd manner of speaking. It seemed somewhat appropriate that I arrived in Abemama on St. Valentine’s Day.

On Saturday I met Don, a descendent of famous King Tembinok who was immortalized in Stevenson’s book“In the South Seas.” Don took me on a tour of the island and told me some its history.  He said that people do speak openly about sex. In fact just yesterday his wife went to a nearby shop and a man insulted her by saying that she was giving her vagina to Don just for his things.  Don’s wife is his 6th and a much younger woman I might add. I suppose that the fact that Don does have his own Kava Bar and a satellite dish does add to his attraction but he is also handsome and tells a great story.
Before I met Don, I asked two local ladies about the meaning of the University of Tuangaona. Their version is that there are men on the island that a woman can go to for sexual instruction. What these men do is use their tongue to tickle a woman’s vagina until it comes out of her body.  Once out, the vagina is then left to blow in the wind, which causes an extraordinary sensation.
When I told Don this peculiar story he laughed.  He said me that Tuangaona is not a university
Tembinok Tomb
and does not mean pussy. It is actually the name
of a clan that means ‘spread the word.’  
He is  a member of this clan--the clan of
King Tembinok.
Abemama got its reputation as a place to go to for sex education in the late 1880s. The story is that a Frenchman was left on Kuria, a nearby island, by his crew for some time--no one knows why exactly. The Frenchman passed his time on Kuria instructing the women there on the pleasures of oral sex. Word spread to the King and he decided to send one of his 36 wives to go and learn from the Frenchman.

So, that is what happened. His wife returned and taught the King the technique, which has been passed down through the generations.

They say the technique was perfected in Abemama because a woman was the original teacher. Don also told me how the local men have since improved upon it but I can’t tell you because it is a secret.


  1. Lisa,

    Love this blog post--you have a future as a writer. When will you be back?


  2. Your trip to Abemama is the adventure that excites the imagination. I love it!

  3. When I worked at Tarawa, Kiribati, I heard about a woman who was on trial for having oral sex (which at that time, about 1990, apparently was illegal). I think a rejected lover had reported her.
    A couple of guys were called in as a character witnesses.
    One said, no way could this be true. Nobody could eat that!
    Another said, oh yes, definitely true, I liked it, but I'm from Tuangaona.
    All in all, the court case ended as a farce. After that, you could buy T-shirts with "University of Tuangaona".

  4. There must be families in Kuria or Aranuka who would know more about such skill and its associated stories and history. Kuria is quite a unique island in the central Gilbert beside Abemama.
